Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Travels in India

Hello world,

Hello world,

Since April 19th, I have been in India. Started out in Delhi and then flew to Chennai, traveled by over night train, and now I am in south India in a city called Dindigul. I am with my International Development and NGO class working along side M.S. S. R. Foundation. An NGO that has been using science and information technology to help improve the livelihood of indivudals who live in proverty.
81% of the population of India lives on less than 2 dollars a day. 2/3 of India's population lives not in the cities, but in over 550,00 villages.
I am experiencing something that a blog cannout capture, but at least I can try. I have been working in a village and playing with slum kids. I have seen the improvment of villages but the demise of cities. I have seen infrastructure that I cannot tell if it is demolished/abandomed or being constructed. Either way, the change is not happening fast enough for the number of lives that this country holds.
I am in charge of a blog that my class is keeping, and it would be wonderful if you could check out what we have been witnesses to.
This is a beautiful country, wonderful landscape, and great people. Learn about the world.

from the future,


Tuesday, April 03, 2007


I had some life changing moments since the last post. All positive. Including a visit that made me the happiest girl in the world. I got to share this wonderful city with two two loves of my life, mom and dad. And I think after they master the trains and the chop sticks and the toilets, they really enjoyed themselves!

Pictures are from our journies to:
