Sunday, September 17, 2006

Oktoberfest in Paris

So Japan, it is the country that probably most enjoys imitating other societies and cultures. Example one: The Tokyo Tower. it is the exact replica of the Elifle Tower, but 150 m taller (and the color of it is construction cone orange and white! Brilliant!) I was able to experience this awesome view while the sun was setting, and by the time Mike, Hipple and myself got to the top, it was pitch black out, and all of the lights of Tokyo were clearly visible, it ws beautiful! I had a small concept of how large this amazing city is, but it was not until i reached the higest observatory deck that i realized, I have NO IDEA what this city holds. I could not see where Tokyo ended, where the "suburbs" started. This land is filled with more people than I will ever pass, and has more buidlings in it then I will ever enter, and hidden treasures that will remain just that: hidden. While I was atop, i kept comparing this view to the view from under William Penn at City Hall in Philadelphia, that was beautiful because of the familiarlity, and this view was beautiful because of the unknown.

(And of course they had sticker booths up at the top of the Tower, and of course Mike, Hipple and I did them!)

After leaving Tokyo's version of Paris, we headed to Hybia Park which was where Oktoberfest was being held. Picture Japanese people dressed in "liter-hosin" (I know i tragically spelled that wrong) and Salery Men singing German drinking songs! There are not many words to describe that amazing, and most interesting night. It was so much fun starting congo lines while can-can-ing. It was amazaing! (As are most of the things I have discovered here).

I experienced France and Germany with out leaving Japan, Nihon Desaki!

This pictures don't do either of these experiences justice:


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